BEST color management RIP for wide format inkjet printers.BEST is a well known color management RIP for wide format printers. Originally the company was German, but it was recently sold to EFI, Electronics for Imaging. Because BEST is a complex high-end RIP for commercial prepress shops who know how to use a spectrophotometer, it always helps to get your printer, scanner, RIP, ICC software, inks, and media from one place. That way one tech support system is responsible for assisting you with everything.
is no way for anyone to judge how the sale of one company
(BEST), to a completely different company (EFI), will affect
the products. Quite a number of people have offered their
opinions based on their experience in the industry, so what
we report is the gist of the pulse of the industry. EFI RIPs
were well known for being dedicated to one sole printer (meaning
you could not use one RIP for any other printer). EFI required
that tech support came from the printer manufacturer; EFI
itself stated they did not provide tech support for the RIP
themselves. This is typical on OEM RIPs dedicated to one sole
printer; the new
proofing RIP, GlobalColor, will have the same policy.
So we do not know if BEST will move to the OEM mode or not. We would estimate that in about six months to a year the answers will be known. Now it is too early because there are no new products yet issued under the EFI changes. We do not base our reports on corporate PR; but rather on what an end user actually experiences. We ourselves were end users of two EFI Fiery RIPs, which is why we do not use them any more. Hence we will wait until we ourselves have such experiences with whatever BEST evolves into as well as keep our ears open to what others say. Already there is quite a lot of industry commentary on the sudden change of ownership. We have several BEST licenses for older versions. We will wait and see if they can be updated six months from now and will publish our experiences. Actual experience is always the best way to learn.
If this will be your first printer, then we have a special report that holds your hand and leads you through all the basic questions that will assist a first-time buyer of a large format printer. This is the FLAAR report on "RIP + Help." This explains what RIP software is, why this is useful, and includes tips, warnings, information, and help for a wide range of matters for a newbie. Here you will really appreciate that FLAAR is based at a university; Professor Hellmuth has plenty of experience writing in a manner that explains what you need, and why.
Most recently updated May 23, 2003. |